Thursday, October 18, 2012

Where can I buy some motivation?

This particular speech has probably been recited to me by people a couple 100 times. Be motivated, do what you have to do so you can get to where you want to be, work hard, do it whether you like it or not.

I do far too much thinking and way to little actual doing on a regular basis, but the problem comes down to motivation. I don't feel the drive to do anything, I don't see the need to become a doctor, lawyer, accountant or whatever other ridiculously mundane and uninteresting thing that humans have developed into paying occupations over the course of our existence.

The only motivations that occur to me throughout the day are: 1. Eating 2. Sleeping 3. Playing video games 4. Playing Sports 5. Sex
I will spend days on end procrastinating on doing something (like this blog) and when I finally do it I spend maybe 10 minutes and then put it off for another time. Yes, I would like to be successful in life but I just cannot seem to shake the habit of not feeling any sort of motivation to do anything, sloth has the firmest of all grips on my entire existence and I know I'm an intelligent person with potential which makes me extremely disgusted with myself but not even this disgust motivates me to change.

Of course some religious person would say "blah blah its the devil and you need christ hes the only way to change, rainbows, fairy tales and all that jazz but when I really think about it logically really rich successful people do not give a single damn about a person praying to God to guide their life cause they are too busy grinding and laughing at the bank.

Maybe motivation is ingrained in a persons DNA and I just don't have that particular strand. The bottom line here is I need to find out my motivation so I can drop 6 figures into my bank account instead of having to serve beers at some shitty bar with a shitty supervisor.

There's nothing I hate more than working for people and helping to build their dreams when I could be building my own dreams.

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