Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Star,Role Player or Leader?

One of the greatest flaws of Caribbean people is that we are terrible role players. Everyone wants to star at everything and the bottom line is we can’t all be stars and each in turn need to look at ourselves and the areas that we are in and check if we are the stars. If you realize you are the star the next thing you should check is whether you are also the leader because a lot of times a star isn’t necessarily a leader.
In a team the leader very often isn’t the best at tasks the team needs to complete, rather a leader understands how each member of a team needs to work in order for the team to thrive and be successful. A star very often is highly talented at the role he/she is given and exceeds the standards of the team but normally is a self-centered personality who is driven by ego and self-assurance.

Having a star is a great thing if each other member knows how to play a role so that the team performs above expectation however it can be a great hindrance if others who are not stars are convinced they are and drag down the entire team by trying to exceed their role and failing dragging the team down and causing resentment and irrational argument among other members.

On so many occasions I've seen teams formed with good intentions fail because Caribbean people are so stubborn and do not understand the concept of being a role player and the concept of team synergy.
Are you a star, a role player or a leader? Check yourself

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