Monday, January 25, 2016

If you could do absolutely anything guaranteed no fail for a living what would you do with your life?

Got asked this question while in the midst of my current crisis of life. Not knowing what to do with your life is probably one of the top 10 worst things that can happen to a person. However do most people ever get to actually do what the want with their life? Answer: Definitely no....most people do not because in reality we are all controlled by a system ruled by money. While I don't think I can offer a feasible alternative to money it makes some lives meaningless and others mean everything.

Before I start rambling the answer to the title question is I'd be a sports commentator/analyst. There are lots of things I love, video games, scifi, fantasy, art, travel, psychology, philosophy among others but sports definitely is the thing I always have on 24/7. Realization came while watching a A-League (Australia) match at 4 am one morning and cheering my head of watching some guy called Besart Berisha score a goal against the Brisbane Roar. At first I was a fanatic (fan) but now I'm starting to feel that I don't care so much about supporting a team and more towards the joy of watching the games. Whether its Patriots vs Broncos or Panathinaikos vs Panionios watching and analyzing the play of teams is something that has always brought me joy.

There are many ways in which children are molded which decides their future just touching on some I've observed in Antigua. Probably the most prominent one in my 29yrs of life is the upper/middle class mold. I'm just calling it that will probably research it later and see what the real terms are later. This upper middle class upbringing typically contains two parents who came up hard or semi-hard, they most likely didnt have a tv, had 5/6 siblings and were the only ones who got to walk 3 miles to school with no lunch. These parents want their child to become a classical money maker. The classical money maker jobs are doctor, lawyer, accountant and if you don't become one of these you are pretty much a failure to the family. My brother did accounts whether that's really what he wanted I don't exactly know but its a means to financial security and he seems to be doing pretty well. On the flip side you could be me and go from job to job finding no sort of fulfillment and falling into spiraling depression. From the outside this secure degree looks pretty good from where I'm sitting so maybe I should suck it up and go get a "real" degree in one of the power three.

A second outcome I've observed is very prevalent here, I suspect its caused by coming up in a middle class family and living in a laid back community where life is all about pre-carnival, carnival and post carnival. Its a general malaise where no one has any ambition to do anything and all they do is complain about the situation while falling deeper and deeper into a clock work day. I can only describe my clock work day but maybe its familiar to one or two people who actually read this. Get up ----> go to work ----> play video games ---> watch shows----> sleep----> repeat. Lots of advice is always given but this kind of cycle is very difficult to break and ends with many nights promising yourself you're gonna do something about it the next day.

Third outcome is not very nice but here goes. The majority of people just aren't that smart or talented they are going to end up being your cashier at the bank or first choice bagger or their situation such as having a kid by the wrong person will lock them into a lifelong job and shatter all their dreams.

Finally we live in a country that thrives on being exceedingly mediocre but at the same time acting arrogant and pompous like a tiny island with 80'000 people means anything in the long run. For the love of God we've had the same slow internet for 15 years and we have two parties that have been doing the same song and dance to become fat rich slobs while never actually keeping half the promises they make. We let them get away with it every time  and then complain about it every day.

What would you do if you were guaranteed a no fail outcome?